Victoria Claims to Come from a Working Class Family, David Beckham: Don’t Lie!

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LONDON  – Victoria Beckham was caught lying a little about her family background in the Beckham documentary which is being broadcast on Netflix this week. It is known that the documentary about footballer David Beckham premiered last Wednesday (4/10/2023).

This documentary series tells the story of David Beckham’s life journey, including his wife Victoria Beckham, who was previously a singer from the vocal group Spice Girls. In one scene Victoria Beckham talks about her first meeting with David also:

Victoria Claims to Come from a Working Class Family, David Beckham: Don't Lie!

According to him, the first meeting took place at Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium. At that time she and her fellow Spice Girls, Melanie Chisholm, came to the stadium as guest stars.

“After the match I saw David Beckham talking with his family. I like that because I am very close to my family. I come from a working class family,” said Victoria Beckham.

This statement immediately tickled David Beckham. He immediately asked Victoria Beckham not to lie about her family background.

“Be honest, don’t lie,” said David Beckham.

Teased by her husband, Victoria Beckham still denies it. He still insists that he is a child from a simple family.

Once again, David Beckham teases Victoria Beckham to be completely honest. He even asked Victoria Beckham to answer his question by not lying.

“When you went to school, what car were you taken to?” asked David Beckham.

There Victoria Beckham really didn’t move. He finally admitted that his parents had been able to buy a Rolls-Royce since the 1980s.

“Actually, it depends, but in the 1980s my father already had a Rolls-Royce,” said Victoria Beckham.

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